After a year.


So, here I am after a year of not updating here; blogging. Bersawang dah blog ni 🙈.

How are you girls doing? Everything great and amazing? Anyone misses me (perasan much kan? 😂😂). Hahaha.

Just simply checking in and saying Hi. I kinda missing my bebel-ing time here. To talk a bunch. Rambling and do some sharing. Re-reading back all the posts that I’ve posted terasa macam budak-budak pula my postings. The words, sentences and all. What were I thinking 🤷🏻‍♀️LOL.

But hey.. that is a part of growing up. Haha. I am maturing and improving. In a good way, of course.

Anyway. If you are wondering if I still can coach you to lose weight? Feel free and WA me at 019-2112157 and I’d be very happy to coach you.

In the mean time, you can always follow me at Instagram. It’s @coach.shafawatimufid and it’s a place where I spent most of my time at.

See you girls, there 🤗.


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