In need of alone time.


I am an introvert.

When I was little, I always feel out of place. Mingling with people is troublesome. I don’t click well with my other friends. My circle is small.

But when I reach my teens, I started to have many friends yet my circle of close friend is still small and there are times I don’t feel belong.

Then, I reach my 20s and I love meeting people with a note that I need my alone time. I just want to be alone and relax. And still enjoy meeting people. My circle of friends started to get bigger.

The enjoyment of meeting new people last for years until I am with #herbalife and as I reached my 30s, I started to scale down my circle and my circle is so small to the same number of people that I had when I was little.


Perhaps, as I grow older, I feel much more comfortable in being alone and by being with my small circle of close people. I enjoy my alone time more and more. And I love the company of my cats every day.

I now have my quota of going out/being busy and once that quota is reached, I need my alone time from meeting people, from doing chores and from doing my daily tasks.

I need to sort my inner conversation, I need to compartmentalise infos, tasks, thoughts ; putting everything in order so that I feel that I am in control. During that time, I wish to being left alone, to just simply let other people take charge of things that I can delegate. For me to sort my thoughts and to put everything in order.

That’s why I need my alone time. Because it can be overwhelming when there are so many things in my plate that I feel out of control as my energy is all over the place.

I’ll read. I’ll watch drama. I’ll spaced out. I’ll be watching my cats playing among themselves. I do a lot of self care.

Some times, people are understanding of my alone time. And sometimes they don’t. And it is so frustrating when I can’t get my alone time. I can get agitated pretty much easily and I get all stressed out and totally burned out.

Complicated, right?
I know.
But it is out of my control.
It’s my personality and it makes me unique.
So yeah, it can be burdensome and interesting all at the same time.

And I am so grateful for Team Suri Kurus for being a great platform for me enjoying myself helping people with their weight at the comfort of my very own skin, in the warmth of my very own home.

As we are in the age of “everything is just at our fingertips”, helping people with their weight goal with the help of technology is so much at ease. I can schedule my working time at times that I can pour 100% of my energy . I work better. I focus better. I am enjoying myself even better now.

Everyone has their strength, and my strength is when I am being alone, working alone. I know when to focus and when to relax and enjoy my self-love moments.

Know your strength.
Enhance your strength.
Work it out.
You can do it.

Follow me at my IG @shafawatimufid_coach for more info and tips and testimonies of #surikurusonlinecoaching.

Shafa  😘

Macam mana nak kekalkan motivasi untuk kuruskan badan?



Alhamdulillah. Selama 8 tahun bersama Herbalife dan menjadi coach kurus dalam Team Suri Kurus sejak 2016 banyak pengalaman diperoleh.

Dan persoalan macam mana nak maintain motivasi semasa dalam program memang selalu menjadi persoalan wajib.

Ye lah. Time nak diet la ade makan-makan, ada kursus. Ada juga yang rasa tak enjoy sebab kena eat clean la, tak boleh makan lauk kari lah. Dan macam-macam lagi. It is normal k. Common things that happened to normal people.

And my humble answer would be “rilek je, and do what’s best”.

Macam tak menjawab kan? Hehe 😅.

Sebabnya I know they all know already the big why they want to lose weight. Cuma kadang, they kind of lose it je. Because life happens and bila kita tak boleh nak control, we tend to lose it. So rilek je and do what’s best at that time. Pilih makanan yang ikut portion personalised mealplan. Cukupkan karbo, protein dan fiber. Minum air kosong atau teamix jika ada. Coachee mengadu sebab diorang nak didengari bukan nak dimarahi. Diorang sememangnya dah rasa bersalah. So it is my job to tell them that it is fine and they’ll always be tomorrow to do again.

Nak treat meal?

Dalam elite coaching kita ada share how to enjoy treat meal tanpa stress dan rasa bersalah. Simply because we deserves it. Sebab tu namanya “treat meal”.

Amazingly, treat meal ni antara pendorong, pembakar motivasi untuk coachee enjoy program kurus surikurus online coaching ni. Sebab when they know that they’ve worked hard following the mealplan, they feel that they deserves treat meal without any guilt.

And when sometimes they lose it, they know they can always come back to the mealplan. Sebab tu lah saya akan jawab “rilek je dan buat yang terbaik”.

They came to me for guidance, so it is my job to guide them as best as I could. May Allah help me and guide me in giving the best coaching to all my coachee, insyaAllah.

Sesiapa yang ada azam kuruskan badan pada tahun 2020 ni, boleh lah bermula sekarang. Yang penting start momentum tu dari sekarang. Dah masuk 2020 senang je rasa nak kurus. Nak give up pun tak de insyaAllah.

Boleh follow saya di Instagram : @shafawatimufid_coach untuk info program, testimoni, dan lain-lain 🙂.


4 November 2019


Dah masuk bulan November. Sekejap je masa berlalu. We are reaching 2020 in just a blink of the eye.

Dulu rasa macam “dapat ke jejak tahun 2020 ni”. Now rasa “eh eh tak lama lagi je nak 2020”.

Sejujurnya, 2019 up until now was difficult and wasn’t very nice to me. It’s kinda difficult nak face the day sampailah I read that “ujian tu diberi untuk upgrade your iman”. It caught me off guard and made me think a lot. Somehow it really change my perspective in tests. I now see tests and challenges in a new perspectives. A whole new positive way of seeing.

Kalau dulu rasa give up, malas nak layan hidup ni, hidup just following the flow je — now rasa “okey, challenge accepted!”.

And kalau dulu bila orang cerita challenge diorang, I will give kata-kata semangat, now I tend to be quiet and listen instead of telling them things they already knew. Because, they already know pun. No need to tell them again. Just simply be there and tak perlu cakap apa-apa je pun helps a lot. All they wanted is someone to be there, teman them and not letting them alone je. They wanted to be heard and understood.

Well, we never knew until la kita sendiri yang kena and rasa.

Dan itulah yang dikatakan PENGALAMAN 😚.


Hai. Saya Shafa

Bermula Herbalife pada Ogos 2011.

Kini sudah 8 tahun consume Herbalife. Salah seorang coach dalam Team Suri Kurus.



Saya bermula dengan consume F1 shake coklat. Ini result saya ⬇️

Concern saya pada masa itu adalah kulit saya. Tanpa sedar saya berjaya menurunkan berat sebanyak 5kg.

Saya menukar cara pemakanan saya yang dahulunya sukakan makanan ringan kepada pemakanan yang sihat dan seimbang.

Saya memilih Herbalife kerana ianya memudahkan. Terutamanya untuk sarapan pagi seimbang. Hanya perlukan beberapa minit untuk disediakan dan saya sudah selesai.

Ramai yang mencari Herbalife untuk menurunkan berat. Ya . Herbalife membantu untuk kurus. Dan PERLU ADA BIMBINGAN PEMAKANAN UNTUK TURUN BERAT BADAN. Dalam Program SuriKurus, kami menekankan penjagaan pemakanan dan keseimbangan nutrients untuk kurus.

Tidak perlu pantang makan nasi.
Tidak perlu eat clean.
Tidak perlu makan tanpa rasa (of which saya memang tak boleh makan makanan tak cukup masin masam ni semua)
Tidak wajib bersenam (although it is encouraged for your health, but it is not the number 1 key untuk kurus so takyah dulu pun tak apa ya).

Boleh ziarah saya di IG saya : shafawatimufid_coach untuk info tentang program, testimoni and a few random things that I posted there 😉.

Until then, see you later.


Assalamualaikum, semua.


Lama dah tak update.

Just a short update.

Dah nak masuk November.

And tak lama lagi nak masuk 2020.
As usual, kita ada End of Year Challenge.

Boleh drop by IG page saya.
IG : shafawatimufid_coach

Klik link di profile untuk WA.

Until then. Jumpa lagi, semua.


After a year.


So, here I am after a year of not updating here; blogging. Bersawang dah blog ni 🙈.

How are you girls doing? Everything great and amazing? Anyone misses me (perasan much kan? 😂😂). Hahaha.

Just simply checking in and saying Hi. I kinda missing my bebel-ing time here. To talk a bunch. Rambling and do some sharing. Re-reading back all the posts that I’ve posted terasa macam budak-budak pula my postings. The words, sentences and all. What were I thinking 🤷🏻‍♀️LOL.

But hey.. that is a part of growing up. Haha. I am maturing and improving. In a good way, of course.

Anyway. If you are wondering if I still can coach you to lose weight? Feel free and WA me at 019-2112157 and I’d be very happy to coach you.

In the mean time, you can always follow me at Instagram. It’s @coach.shafawatimufid and it’s a place where I spent most of my time at.

See you girls, there 🤗.


Year End Suries Challenge.

Assalamualaikum, all.

How you guys doing?
Great, I hope ^^,

Anyway, it’s already the last month of the year 2017. Slowly without realising we are reaching 2018. Whether we like it or not.

So yeah

It’s the time of the year where people making their new year resolution and I am practically sure most people are putting “Weight Loss” as their favorite goal every new year.

And somehow the goal tend to being forgotten towards the first 3 months of the year. Simply because we’ve lost motivation or feel like it’s a long and hard and challenging journey of no ends and we call it a quit.

So, with Year End Suries Challenge; we hereby challenging all coachees to focus on shedding their 5kg for December. They need to challenge themselves to follow the mealplan closely, add activities to their daily life, to put an extra effort to keep their motivation high and to be a supportive team member of each other.


Make a full use of NOW. Because we do know what happened when we keep on delaying our progress. If you believe that losing weight is the best decision to a better you, you will keep on going — finding solution, finding the best approach that you can adapt in your daily life and you can enjoy.


Good news is — you can join us 🙂 It’s never too late to start your weight loss journey. It’s never wrong to keep on finding the best way to lose weight that you can enjoy.

So yeah, give yourself a chance to change to a better you. Give Team Suri Kurus a chance to help you to lose weight stress-free.

I’ve seen my coachee who is struggling in losing weight, always have doubt with him/herself that they are unable to follow the mealplan, let alone in losing weight. But I keep on telling him/her that just focus what you can do NOW.

Have the right attitude when you are starting because it will save you a lot of time in adapting.

What it takes to lose weight with Team Suri Kurus?
ONE is your absolute positive mindset and TWO is your attitude to keep on track , to incorporate healthy lifestyle with your current lifestyle.

That’s all what we asked for.
Because it is a fact that we need to change something in order to become something. Because it is the truth that we have to sacrifice something to gain something. All these for a lifelong weight maintenance.

We want to always enjoying food and stay in shape forever, right?
YEP! Give yourself a chance and time to change.

Whatsapp me at 0192112157 right away


You can stalk my instagram : noorshafawatimufid and then whatsapp me at 0192112157.

Your Team Suri Kurus Coach 🙂
Coach Shafa.

Everything has its own time…

Assalamualaikum gaiss..
How are you?
I’m fine. Alhamdulillah.

Anyway — as always, it’s Monday and it’s our storytelling time. Haha.

Have you guys ever faced with a situation where a car behind you honking; rushing you to drive out the simpang faster?

So yeah, this morning, when I was on my way back from Herbalife office, there’s this one car keep on honking me multiple times from behind and you know what; I almost hit a motorcycle. Thankfully I was slow and managed to stop before hitting.

Those who knew me definitely can relate that I won’t keluar simpang not until I fully confident about going out. I love to take my time ensuring the road is clear then baru I keluar from that simpang.

Let say what happen if I hit the motorcycle because I’ve been rushed to? What will I say to the motorcyclist, to the police? “Saya tak perasan motor sebab saya kena cepat, orang belakang dah hon-hon”. Does it make any sense? Tak kan?

Everything has its own time.

Same goes with weight loss. We can’t rush the process. We only can take one step at a time, improving ourselves one by one.

Everyone has their own time.

Be PATIENT and keep IMPROVING. Then, TAWAKKAL to Allah.

Just keep calm and drink Herbalife shake 🙂

Coach Shafa

Life is a choice.

Assalamualaikum gaisss.
How are you?

I’m fine.
A book-done-reading fine. Hehe.

I’m finding peace by reading nowadays of which I’m going back to my childhood self once again. Haha.

(Padahal memang suka baca buku pon lols)

You wanna know something funny tak?
(Kalau taknak, I still wanna cerita gak. Haha)

So, yesterday I did some grocery shopping alone and out of the blue I decided to wash my car. You know yang car-wash-machine tu kan…I went there because I simply want to give my car a wash je.

And yeah I did. I am so happy that my car dah mandi after months of tak mandi heheh. Usually I’ll give him a bath myself but nowadays I don’t feel like washing the car.

Andddd~~ tak lama lepas tuu HUJAN!!! Hahaha. I laughed my heart outtt sebab memang dah agak that it’s gonna rain.

You know, I always have this luck bila cuci kereta. Almost 99% of times when I wash my car, mesti akan hujan right after that.

I thought it’s only when I wash my car je. But one time, mom send her car for car wash and I’m accompanying her and tadaaaa~~~ hujan turun right after the wash. I told mom that “sorry ma, it’s my luck that it’s rain everytime I wash the car” and mom laughed.

I know it’s ridiculous to think like that. Ye lah kita tahu kan cuaca tu kerja Allah. It’s just I can’t help to laugh at the situation.

I used to be mad at the weather over something petty like this when I was young, you know. I said “penat-penat je cuci kereta; pastu hujan” or “tak guna punya hujan; turun lah time aku dah cuci kereta”. Astaghfirullah al azim. That was the young me.

Gaiss — life is a choice. You can see it from a negative point of view or a positive one.

Baru-baru ni I attend a Tadabbur Al-Quran session and this ustadha shared that (in somewhat similar sayings) if we are easily mad or angry or very much in rush in everything — we are not in peace deep down in our heart.

Let’s see ourselves when we are late or when we are in the middle of a traffic jam; for example. Do we swear or honk like crazy or being impatient and be angry over everything?

I always have this belief in my heart that there’s always a reasoning over something that happened. Because that’s what Allah had plan and laid our life as.

So yeah. Life is a choice. You can take our lateness as something good or bad. You can take being trapped in a traffic light as a time for you to do quran recitation or do some zikr or you can be all mad over it of which I believe that you takboleh nak buat apa-apa melainkan bertenang dan cari jalan alternatif lain and  simply follow the flow.

The same with me and the car wash and the rain. I chose to laugh about it and be grateful for the trees and other living creatures yang memerlukan air hujan untuk hidup. I can’t stop the rain, can I? And my car need a wash once in a while. What the use making a fuss over a rain that comes after a car wash, right?

How to find peace in our heart?
This is what I do and feel free to dig deep down in your heart what works for you,okay?
1- Baca Al-Quran
2- Cari talk yang share stories from Alquran
3- Zikr

You kena usaha untuk fall in love with Allah, with Muhammad s.a.w, with Islam. Fill in your heart dulu. Baru sikit-sikit ubah yang luaran.

When you fall in love with Allah, with His creatures ; insyaAllah you will find peace and you know la kan what happen when you fall in love kan? You will do mostly anything to please the one that you love kan — in this case is Allah.

Again. Life is a choice. You can take your life negatively or positively. It’s all in your hand.

p/s: I’m not an Alim or anything. I just simply share what I feel and what I believe. If what I wrote here happened to open up your view in life in a positive way, Alhamdulillah. All from Allah.


Looking for ways to lose weight? Whatsapp me at 0192112157 for more info 🙂


After a week of hiatus…

Assalamualaikum, girls.
How do you guys doing?

Yeah. I know I promised that I’ll drop by every Monday and I missed it last week and yesterday. I am truly sorry. Things had been so hectic and now I’m here writing.

It’s raining season now so, please do take care of yourself yaa. Drink plenty of water, take fruits and vegetables. Choose your food wisely.

What else?
It’s almost the end of 2017 now. So how you guys holding?

I’m ecstatic to welcome the new year.
And at the same time I feel so sad to leave 2017.
I’m learning so much this year and I am so proud of myself for my own personal growth. Alhamdulillah.

Just a simple hello here.
I’m gonna off for now.
See your guys, soon ya!!!

And let’s finish 2017 strong, girls.

Much love,