Year End Suries Challenge.

Assalamualaikum, all.

How you guys doing?
Great, I hope ^^,

Anyway, it’s already the last month of the year 2017. Slowly without realising we are reaching 2018. Whether we like it or not.

So yeah

It’s the time of the year where people making their new year resolution and I am practically sure most people are putting “Weight Loss” as their favorite goal every new year.

And somehow the goal tend to being forgotten towards the first 3 months of the year. Simply because we’ve lost motivation or feel like it’s a long and hard and challenging journey of no ends and we call it a quit.

So, with Year End Suries Challenge; we hereby challenging all coachees to focus on shedding their 5kg for December. They need to challenge themselves to follow the mealplan closely, add activities to their daily life, to put an extra effort to keep their motivation high and to be a supportive team member of each other.


Make a full use of NOW. Because we do know what happened when we keep on delaying our progress. If you believe that losing weight is the best decision to a better you, you will keep on going — finding solution, finding the best approach that you can adapt in your daily life and you can enjoy.


Good news is — you can join us 🙂 It’s never too late to start your weight loss journey. It’s never wrong to keep on finding the best way to lose weight that you can enjoy.

So yeah, give yourself a chance to change to a better you. Give Team Suri Kurus a chance to help you to lose weight stress-free.

I’ve seen my coachee who is struggling in losing weight, always have doubt with him/herself that they are unable to follow the mealplan, let alone in losing weight. But I keep on telling him/her that just focus what you can do NOW.

Have the right attitude when you are starting because it will save you a lot of time in adapting.

What it takes to lose weight with Team Suri Kurus?
ONE is your absolute positive mindset and TWO is your attitude to keep on track , to incorporate healthy lifestyle with your current lifestyle.

That’s all what we asked for.
Because it is a fact that we need to change something in order to become something. Because it is the truth that we have to sacrifice something to gain something. All these for a lifelong weight maintenance.

We want to always enjoying food and stay in shape forever, right?
YEP! Give yourself a chance and time to change.

Whatsapp me at 0192112157 right away


You can stalk my instagram : noorshafawatimufid and then whatsapp me at 0192112157.

Your Team Suri Kurus Coach 🙂
Coach Shafa.

Life is a choice.

Assalamualaikum gaisss.
How are you?

I’m fine.
A book-done-reading fine. Hehe.

I’m finding peace by reading nowadays of which I’m going back to my childhood self once again. Haha.

(Padahal memang suka baca buku pon lols)

You wanna know something funny tak?
(Kalau taknak, I still wanna cerita gak. Haha)

So, yesterday I did some grocery shopping alone and out of the blue I decided to wash my car. You know yang car-wash-machine tu kan…I went there because I simply want to give my car a wash je.

And yeah I did. I am so happy that my car dah mandi after months of tak mandi heheh. Usually I’ll give him a bath myself but nowadays I don’t feel like washing the car.

Andddd~~ tak lama lepas tuu HUJAN!!! Hahaha. I laughed my heart outtt sebab memang dah agak that it’s gonna rain.

You know, I always have this luck bila cuci kereta. Almost 99% of times when I wash my car, mesti akan hujan right after that.

I thought it’s only when I wash my car je. But one time, mom send her car for car wash and I’m accompanying her and tadaaaa~~~ hujan turun right after the wash. I told mom that “sorry ma, it’s my luck that it’s rain everytime I wash the car” and mom laughed.

I know it’s ridiculous to think like that. Ye lah kita tahu kan cuaca tu kerja Allah. It’s just I can’t help to laugh at the situation.

I used to be mad at the weather over something petty like this when I was young, you know. I said “penat-penat je cuci kereta; pastu hujan” or “tak guna punya hujan; turun lah time aku dah cuci kereta”. Astaghfirullah al azim. That was the young me.

Gaiss — life is a choice. You can see it from a negative point of view or a positive one.

Baru-baru ni I attend a Tadabbur Al-Quran session and this ustadha shared that (in somewhat similar sayings) if we are easily mad or angry or very much in rush in everything — we are not in peace deep down in our heart.

Let’s see ourselves when we are late or when we are in the middle of a traffic jam; for example. Do we swear or honk like crazy or being impatient and be angry over everything?

I always have this belief in my heart that there’s always a reasoning over something that happened. Because that’s what Allah had plan and laid our life as.

So yeah. Life is a choice. You can take our lateness as something good or bad. You can take being trapped in a traffic light as a time for you to do quran recitation or do some zikr or you can be all mad over it of which I believe that you takboleh nak buat apa-apa melainkan bertenang dan cari jalan alternatif lain and  simply follow the flow.

The same with me and the car wash and the rain. I chose to laugh about it and be grateful for the trees and other living creatures yang memerlukan air hujan untuk hidup. I can’t stop the rain, can I? And my car need a wash once in a while. What the use making a fuss over a rain that comes after a car wash, right?

How to find peace in our heart?
This is what I do and feel free to dig deep down in your heart what works for you,okay?
1- Baca Al-Quran
2- Cari talk yang share stories from Alquran
3- Zikr

You kena usaha untuk fall in love with Allah, with Muhammad s.a.w, with Islam. Fill in your heart dulu. Baru sikit-sikit ubah yang luaran.

When you fall in love with Allah, with His creatures ; insyaAllah you will find peace and you know la kan what happen when you fall in love kan? You will do mostly anything to please the one that you love kan — in this case is Allah.

Again. Life is a choice. You can take your life negatively or positively. It’s all in your hand.

p/s: I’m not an Alim or anything. I just simply share what I feel and what I believe. If what I wrote here happened to open up your view in life in a positive way, Alhamdulillah. All from Allah.


Looking for ways to lose weight? Whatsapp me at 0192112157 for more info 🙂


Better or Less?

Hi, guys.

So, here I am checking in again in my blog as I’ve decided to checking in every Monday, InsyaAllah.

So yeah. I bought a tripod. It just arrived today. A cheap one yet so far I am so satisfied with it. Alhamdulillah. Can’t wait to use it outside and take pictures and all. Yay~!!!

However somehow, it get me into thinking, “I’ve already had a mini tripod, kenapa beli lagi?”.

Yelah, dah beli satu kenapa beli lagi, kan?

That leads to;
Being in a situation where you know there’s something better yet you settle for less.

Pernah tak face that kind of situation? I have! Twice. Hehe.

I’ve always wanted an Iphone for work because of the apps that I can use to edit pictures, videos, because of the quality of work I can produce — Iphone is my office so I need a very good office for my work. Yet, I settle for a different phone where I always told myself that “it also can work well for your work” just because it’s cheaper (me and the cheapskate of mine hehe) than an Iphone.

(FYI, different people has their own liking and so do I)

Yeah, I settle for a different phone that I somehow hope it will work as what I expected it to do. Deep down in my heart I am not satisfied and I keep on regretting myself for that.

Now, two phones later I bought an Iphone. Finally. Sebab dah tak tahan lagi dah. I need a good phone for my work. That’s it.

It works splendidly well, masyaAllah. I am so happy, alhamdulillah.

See, with the price of the two phones, can cover one Iphone. And in this case, I can have two Iphones. Urgh.

Same goes with tripod.
I’ve always wanted a tripod. Yet, I told myself that I can use Abah punya tripod (yang akhirnya decided to break after 32 years of serving), buy a mini tripod because it’s cheaper. So yeah, giving the same excuses again. It’s the cycle again.

Now, after 2 mini tripods, I bought an actual tripod. Finally Alhamdulillah. And I’m feeling so much better inside, Alhamdulillah.

What I’m trying to say is,
Kadang kita tau ada benda yang lebih baik, yang lebih utama untuk hidup kita tapi kita putuskan untuk memilih yang kurang.

Selain benda material, hidup kita juga.

Semua orang tahu, nak kurus kena JAGA PEMAKANAN tapi kebanyakkannya memilih untuk makan ubat kurus, memilih untuk memakai korset, memilih untuk bersenam dan crash diet sehinggakan membinasakan diri.

Orang tahu PEMAKANAN itu perlu diubah, namun, mereka tak mahu mengubah yang itu.

It’s like we know the root cause of our weight problem but we choose to think otherwise.

“Nanti aku senam, aku kurus lah”
“Pakai korset je”
“Ubat kurus ni boleh buat kau kurus cepat”.

This is what I mean by;
We know there’s something better for us but we decided to settle for less.

Kurus dan nampak kurus adalah berbeza, k.
And untuk dapatkan kurus yang berkekalan, memang kena ubah gaya pemakanan. Itulah cara yang selamat dan sihat. Tak ada cara lain.


Pilihlah dengan bijak. Anda mampu mengubahnya.

Tiba masa untuk berubah.




“Herbalife mahal” – My point of view.


Ambil feeling working with Macbook. Dream. Dream. Dream. Amin.


How do you girls (and guys) doing? All out and about? Getting all excited to get into the new year, I believe 🙂

Alhamdulillah. I feel so blessed and thankful that makin ramai yang getting aware dengan apa yang mereka makan. And somehow Herbalife menjadi salah satu pilihan sebagai makanan gantian yang membantu untuk menguruskan badan.

And persoalan “Herbalife mahal” itu tak terkecuali untuk membuatkan orang ragu-ragu untuk bertanya tentang program dengan Herbalife i.e Program Kurus 30 Hari Team Suri Kurus.

Produk Herbalife ada pelbagai — dari meal replacement hingga ke targeted nutrition. Semuanya ada kepentingan keperluan nutrisi yang berbeza. All is equally important. All helps a lot in solving our problems in ensuring our body is having all the needed nutrition every single day.


Herbalife product range (produk tidak bertujuan untuk mendiagnos, merawat atau mencegah sebarang penyakit)

But it doesn’t means that you need to consume them all right when you start on the program. We, the coaches, akan consult ikut option terbaik mengikut keperluan dan lifestyle coachee kami. That is the beauty of program Team Suri Kurus yang personalized ikut individu sebab keperluan individu tak sama.

The important product to consume adalah F1 sebab ianya adalah makanan gantian. Produk yang lain ikut keadaan kewangan individu.

Truth is, Program Kurus 30 Hari Team Suri Kurus tidak terlalu mahal dan tidak terlalu murah. Seperti yang saya nyatakan tadi, saya akan peribadikan keperluan nutrisi mengikut meal plan yang bersesuaian dengan anda. Anda hanya perlukan F1 sebagai permulaan dan jika anda mempunyai bajet yang lebih, anda boleh add-on produk lain (mengikut keperluan anda).

“Herbalife mahal” pada pandangan saya — Ianya murah,sejujurnya. Kerana Herbalife banyak memudahkan hidup saya di dalam semua segi, Alhamdulillah.

1- I love to eat and at the same time very cautious with my body — I want to stay lean and all shape up. Like eat eat eat and stay fit fit fit. It’s impossible without Herbalife based on my personal experience, honestly.

2- My life is hectic most of the times even though I work at home. So yeah, I need instant food for instant energy.

3- I have this laziness when it come to planning my meal. Because we need to eat 5-6x small portion of meal. So, I don’t want to think of that. With mealplan Team Suri Kurus, I only need to think about my snacking and my lunch and that’s all.

Ringkasnya, keperluan nutrisi saya dilengkapkan dengan Nutrisi Herbalife dengan cara yang mudah dan ringkas dengan harga yang berpatutan :).

Disebabkan itulah saya memilih Herbalife selama 6 tahun ni sebagai makanan gantian untuk sarapan dan makan malam saya. No turning back, Alhamdulillah. Tabarakallah.

Dan disebabkan itu juga saya memilih untuk membantu individu di luar sana yang berusaha untuk menurunkan berat badan mereka. Jika anda masih lagi mencari-cari solusi untuk menurunkan berat badan, dan ingin mencuba Program Kurus 30 Hari Team Suri Kurus, anda berada di tempat yang betul di masa yang tepat sekali.

Mengapa anda kena memilih Program Kurus 30 Hari Team Suri Kurus untuk membantu anda menguruskan berat badan anda :

1- Murah.
It’s RM5.50 per serving of complete meal of nutrition-dense meal replacement and support weight management.


2- It’s low in GI
Bantu untuk kenyang lagi lama. Bila kenyang lama takde la kita nak mengunyah kerepek keropok, tetiba nak craving itu ini hehe (bab mengunyah ni la antara penyebab utama usaha nak kurus tu tergantung di pertengahan jalan huhu)


Alasan yang kukuh untuk memilih Herbalife untuk menurunkan berat badan :).

3- Mudah untuk disediakan.
No need to masak or to prep meal. You just need to bancuh shake dengan air (or you can simply create your own recipe ikut suggested calorie dalam mealplan). Sesuai untuk individu yang sibuk (dan tak mahir masak hehehe).


4- Low in calorie.
Lagi-lagi sekarang ni semua nak low in calorie 🙂 Bonus is ianya cukup nutrisi. That’s why tak rasa lemau or penat walaupun shake ni low in calorie — around 90 bila bancuh dengan air kosong and around 150 bila bancuh dengan susu or oat or pisang. IMG_2484

5- Ada support group.
Team Suri Kurus adalah online community yang membantu individu di luar sana untuk menurunkan berat badan. Baik lelaki mahupun perempuan. Ada banyak cabaran dan halangan di luar sana. Maka, apabila kita berganding tenaga saling menyokong antara satu sama lain, kita tak terasa keseorangan dan sentiasa mempunyai inspirasi dan motivasi untuk kekal dalam journey menurunkan berat badan.


“Coach, ada je orang yang kurus tanpa Herbalife”

Yes, ada banyak cara nak kurus out there. You can do your own research and apply them on yourself. Cumanya Program Kurus 30 Hari Team Suri Kurus is my expertise.

It’s up to you,people. Different people has their own priorities and decisions in life. I’m respecting that. No judging, really. I’m loving and enjoying my life with Herbalife and so grateful Alhamdulillah.

Dan jika anda serius ingin menyertai Program Kurus 30 Hari Team Suri Kurus, anda boleh hubungi saya untuk penyertaan (dengan syarat anda tidak mempunyai coach Herbalife lagi). I’m all available to coach you with Program Kurus 30 Hari Team Suri Kurus.

Bersempena berbaki 3 bulan di tahun 2017 ni, sekarang kami dalam End Year Challenge di mana kami betul-betul fokus untuk membantu coachee kami menurunkan 10-15kg sebelum 2018.

Yelah. Ramai yang saban tahun meniatkan keinginan untuk kurus di dalam hati namun tidak kesampaian. Maka, kami ingin membantu anda menjadikan tahun ini sebagai tahun terakhir menjadikan azam kurus sebagai suatu keinginan. Kami ingin menjadikan ia suatu realiti pada tahun ini.


Let’s gear up for 2018.


I’m all ready to coach all of you. 🙂

It’s October, baby.

Assalamualaikum wbt.

How do you guys doing?
Great? Or just simply good je? Hehe. 🙂

With just a breeze, it’s already October. And it means that we’re about to say bye bye to 2017. Sob sob.

October – November – December going to be my 3rd 90 days plan, MasyaAllah. Tanpa sedar I’ve already done 2 90 days plan already. WOW! Just WOW!

Looking back to my first 90 days plan, I realized I have grown so much. I’ve become more reliable on myself, more confidence, more focused, more loving (yeah, I am so grateful for my kittens for being my source of love-inspiration), more knowledgable and many more.


Tiada daya kekuatan untuk kekal konsisten dalam menyebarkan kesedaran akan kepentingan mengurus berat badan dengan sihat. Tiada daya kekuatan untuk menjaga coachee-coachee, memberi impak ke dalam hidup mereka. Tiada daya kekuatan untuk menyampaikan pemahaman. Tiada daya kekuatan tanpa Allah. Sungguh.

It makes me to realize that I’ve been holding up, borrowing Allah’s strength all these while that I can hold it up all by myself just fine. Alhamdulillah.

Honestly, I used to think that I need companion, I need partner to keep pursuing life but I’ve been wrong all along. Totally.

You got what I mean?

Like — though we need someone to back us up, to be the one to keep us sane with our life and business and stuff, actually, we can handle them pretty well on our own — with the help of Allah.

Because we know Allah is always available. Walaupun we can’t see Him but we can see his presence with the people that came by, with the helping hands that we get, the the easiness in doing our stuff and all.

Allah rocks, k. He rocks like BIG time. He’s always there. He always listen. He helps a lot in making us understand everything about life. And He gives presents,k. Like – he’s – so – romantic – from – the – prince – in – Enchanted – kinda romantic. Even more, obviously la kan, duh~.

Not that bragging or anything, I mean to share Him with you, tau.
I cannot get all the love all by myself,kan? So, I can share. Don’t worry, I ain’t all greedy. Heheh.

Close your eyes for a while. Breath in and breath out. And start to feel the wind that brushes your cheeks, start to hear the birds chirping, start touching your hands, your body, things around you. “Oh dear, why didn’t I realize this before?” are you starting to ask those kind of questions? Yeah?

We’ve been buzzing here and there in this bustling-busy life of ours. Mothers, careers, friends families yada yada yada that sometimes we lost ourselves it the middle of everything. Even worst – we’ve lost our purpose of our life. We’ve lost our center. We are imbalance.

I don’t know about you, but that was me. I was a wreck. I’ve lost my balance. I’ve been focusing on my work, my life that I’ve totally forgotten about me and Allah as my center of everything.

It takes a whole wreckage to make me realize that I’ve been leaving Allah out of the picture. My picture. Astaghfirullah al azim. MasyaAllah.

And now, me, picking up every bits and pieces left in me to build back my life, my work with Allah as my center. I start to open my heart and my eyes to things that been happening to my life, both bad and good. And I’m starting to look on the bright side of everything that happened. That’s where the gifts are – I believe. Hehe.

I’m learning a lot, k. Super a lot and I am so amazed how my brain and heart could take all of these lessons. Haha. I’m such a tough lady.

So, girls.
Always believe in what you are capable of doing. We are one great invention kot. Can you imagine we can work and study and give birth and the never-ending house chores, and parenthood and everything. With our hijabs on and our modest layering clothes and everything. Who says that we are incapable of doing anything.

Just put Allah as our center and InsyaAllah, all is well. With Allah’s permission, of course.

So girls, it’s already October and if you still have that azam-kurus-2017’s fire burning, you can join us now. Still got time, don’t worry.





Testimoni Herbalife Malaysia Julai 2017.



This morning started great. Given that the kids (read : MyKittenTriplets) were all behaving so well today. Had a great morning roll to release their energy. Oh dear. You cannot imagine the energy these three devil possessed. They are so energetic. So to be on the safe side, I let them out every morning for my very own mental health. Haha 😀

Anyway, as I wrote yesterday, I’m gonna compile the feedback here so, here goes;

Testimoni pengguna Herbalife di bawah jagaan Coach Shafa dan TeamSuriKurus. FYI ni adalah a few feedbacks yang available since ada a few yang masih malu-malu nak share.




Hasil adalah tidak tipikal.


Hasil adalah tidak tipikal.


Hasil adalah tidak tipikal.


Hasil adalah tidak tipikal.


Hasil adalah tidak tipikal.


Hasil adalah tidak tipikal.


Hasil adalah tidak tipikal.


Hasil adalah tidak tipikal.

Untuk progress penurunan berat badan yang konsisten, mindset kena jelas. Ada dua perkara yang kena clear before nk start

1- Kenapa nak kurus?
2- Berapa kg nak turun?

Dari situlah kita takkan mudah nak melatah or “down” bila takde progress or bila orang perlekehkan usaha murni kita.


Coaching Ogos dah bermula.
Dapatkan produk dan coaching dari saya :
Whatsapp 0192112157.

I Am A Coach — A Herbalife Coach.


Assalamualaikum & Salam Sejahtera.

Last weekend was our training weekend. We had Advaced Coach Academy on Saturday and Success Training Seminar on Sunday. It was kinda hectic weekend. In fact — the whole week. MasyaAllah.

I Am A Coach.
Why Coach?
Because — I coach people consuming Herbalife products properly in order for them to lose weight or to gain weight or even just for healthy breakfast.

As a coach, saya bertanggungjawab untuk memastikan setiap coachee saya mengambil produk Herbalife secara betul agar mereka berjaya mendapat berat badan dan tahap tenaga yang mereka inginkan. Saya perlu monitor how they blend their shakes, giving personalized meal plan that suits their daily schedule, ensuring they are drinking enough water everyday and also share useful health info.


Untuk bermula, boleh hubungi saya di :-

COACH SHAFA 019 211 2157 (SMS/Whatsapp)
FACEBOOK : Noor Shafawati Mufid
INSTAGRAM : @noorshafawatimufid


Beli Herbalife Online

Assalamualaikum & Salam Sejahtera.

Ok. Nowadays semua benda nak online je kan? Produk Herbalife pun tak terkecuali. And untuk mendapatkan produk Herbalife secara online, hanya satu website official je iaitu


“Habis, produk yang kat website e-commerce yang L****a or 1***S****t tu tipu la ye?”.
Itu saya tak berapa pasti, cumanya untuk lebih selamat dan diyakini kualitinya, baik direct terus dengan website official,kan? Betul kan?

And yang bestnye bila beli direct kat HQ ni, akan dapat sekali pakej coaching daripada coach-coach Herbalife yang dilatih tentang penggunaan produk dan program pengurusan berat badan seperti —

  • Turun Berat Badan
  • Naik Berat Badan
  • Sarapan Sihat
  • Kesihatan Kulit

secara PERCUMA.

Harga produk Herbalife juga berbeza mengikut promosi diskaun;

  • Diskaun 25%
  • Diskaun 35%
  • Diskaun 42%
  • Diskaun 50%

Disamping itu dapat capai promosi-promosi dari syarikat Herbalife pada setiap bulan.

Untuk bermula, boleh hubungi saya di —

COACH SHAFA 019 211 2157 (SMS/Whatsapp)
FACEBOOK : Noor Shafawati Mufid
INSTAGRAM : @noorshafawatimufid

kerana, untuk login ke website Herbalife, anda memerlukan no identifikasi yang hanya boleh didapati melalui coach-coach Herbalife yang terlatih sahaja.

Kami juga akan membantu dari segi konsultasi produk dan pemakanan, pemantauan progress dan macam-macam lagi 🙂


Berpuasa bersama Herbalife

Assalamu’alaikum wbt & Selamat sejahtera to all.

Sedar tak sedar dah nak sampai dah Ramadhan untuk tahun ni. MasyaAllah and amazingly, it’s gonna be my 5th Ramadhan with Herbalife, InsyaAllah.

“Berpuasa dengan Herbalife? Boleh ke? Bukan ke Herbalife tu utk turunkan berat badan?” 
To those yang bertanya ;
“Yes. Herbalife is applicable to any month of the year” 
Sebabnye, Herbalife ni NUTRISI SEIMBANG yang lengkap untuk keperluan badan kita. And Herbalife is far beyond than just helping you to lose weight.

supplementNi aku share sekali “Kenapa kita perlukan makanan tambahan” walaupun most daripada kita menyatakan yang mereka tak memerlukan supplement. No problem with that, just ketahuilah somehow kita memerlukan supplement juga.

And Herbalife shakes, especially, supplies the amount of nutrient yang diperlukan oleh badan kita setiap hari. That is why I’ve changed my breakfast for almost 5 years already. Because of this fact je. Simple,kn hidup aku? Haha. If it bring goodness, apa salahnya diamalkan,kan? Plus, aku ni kan student engineering. Engineer kan work backwards. We want the specific end result then we work from there. Aku nak badan aku sihat and berat badan maintain, so, aku work backwards and find the best solution for myself. Best nutrition supplies & excercise 🙂

And since it works on myself, I share to people. Benda baik kan WAJIB share. Untuk kebaikan bersama. Tak baik simpan-simpan ni.

Berbalik kepada cerita berpuasa bersama Herbalife. Aku start consume Herbalife di bulan Ramadhan. Exactly on the 2nd or the 3rd day of puasa , tak ingat. But I still remember bersahur dengan shake and amazingly aku sangat-sangat bertenaga sampai ke petang. Haus tu memang ada. Lapar? Alhamdulillah ok ok je tak macam selalu pukul 10 pagi perut dah start berbunyi. Even aku boleh buat kerja rumah. Seriously.

Since then, aku yakin dengan Herbalife dan kekal bersama Herbalife hingga sekarang. Alhamdulillah.

Orang kata Herbalife mahal. Pada aku bila kita consume Herbalife, sebenarnya kita memang dah berjimat habis dah. *Nak tahu camne berjimat tu, sila whatsapp aku kat 019 211 2157. Dan ini applicable to NEW people sahaja and customers aku. Yang dah ada coach, sila hubungi coach masing-masing, ye~ *

Hidup dengan Herbalife sangat-sangat lah simple. Sahur shake. Buka puasa shake. Lepas terawikh je makan la nasi sikit. Or untuk insan yang nak kerja senang and simple (dibaca : pemalas cam aku ni hehe), malam before tidur, bancuh shake siap-siap letak dalam peti ais, bila sahur, minum. Bila buka pun sama. Bancuh siap-siap dalam pukul 630 or 645 camtu then letak dalam peti ais. Dengar azan Maghrib je , makan kurma 3 biji then aloe, tea and shake. DAH! Siap-siap solat Maghrib. See! Simple, solat di awal waktu, bertenaga. Subhanallah. Itu memang dah habis simple dah oi~!

Dah! Tak perlu banyak fikir. Simple people come to me~!
Jom! Berpuasa bersama Herbalife 🙂

1431671376943 1431671589547 p/s: kalau tak nampak, boleh klik dan baca 🙂

019 211 2157


How are you, all? Missing me? Hehe.

Truth is, I’ve been a bit occupied as a relief teacher at nearby school. And it’s Sekolah Menengah. I taught Maths to Form 1 and Form 2 students and Pendidikan Sivik for Form 1. Frankly speaking, it’s been hectic. Can you imagine, teaching 20 plus to 30 plus students in a class. And mind you, the classes I got was the brightest and also not so bright. Definitely there’s a different in attitude and sorts. Yet, I found it interesting since I love learning about people.

And speaking about people, let’s talk about the recent event happened a few days ago. Yesterday, went to Shah Alam. Using DUKE, NKVE and Federal. So, semestinya aku akan terkenang pasal accident yang happened,kan? Tambah-tambah sebak when aku realize yang mereka lagi sedikit nak sampai susur keluar ke Gombak. Can you imagine the feeling? Of course sebak lah kan. Al-fatihah to them. Mohon Allah berikan ketenangan kepada si mati dan keluarga, Amin.

Speaking of that, how can I say this in a very mannerly way, hmm…things happened for a reason. And from our own judgment yang dah boleh distinguish right and wrong ni lah kan, we know that berlumba di tempat awam is wrong, let aside driving above had laju because somehow kita akan terlaju juga,kan. Okay. That’s that. Accident happened. Fine. Yet, there are a thing or two that I don’t feel yang kita patut buat. Like being overly defensive with harsh and inappropriate words. You can be defensive, it is fine. But, why must be in harsh words? If you are wrong, fine, admit it. People will understand, eventually. And if you aren’t wrong, say it and leave it there. The anger will die out somehow.

And others, yes, I am fully understand that you are being furious with the action. But, is it appropriate to talk, to comment with the swearing, the harshness and those judging words? No, right? Why do that? Have you ever put yourself in their shoes? They are scared, perhaps? They can’t think straight, maybe? They are young, possibly. It is okay to be angry yet be rationally angry. What happened if the one driving was your own family members? How do you feel if other people said the exact same things you said? Will you be happy or feeling hateful towards the commentors? Think again.

Pernah kan korang dengar how budak-budak sekarang bercakap? Is it nice to hear? Or korang rasa, “it’s’s fine with me since aku pon cakap macam tu jugak”. Or perhaps korang rasa nak tampar je budak-budak sekarang for the way they behave nowadays? You tell them to be quiet and listen, were they following? I doubt it. You tell them to not smoking, yet you too smoking. Will they listen and follow? NO!

Kids are the direct reflection of yourself. No matter how hard you scream, make them behave, ask them to talk well to you, they won’t listen to you. They will copy you. How you talk to them and the others, they will copy. How you treat other people , that’s how they will follow. They will copy you. Like CARBON COPY.

Think back. What kind of world would you like to live in? Like now? Or you want a better one? Where people say good things, positive things, happy things. Decide for yourself. If you still want to be boldly expressing yourself, swearing here and there, leaving harsh and hurtful comments, be my guest. However, brace yourself for the people around you who would do you the same. And if you now want to change to the better, and then there are some people saying things that hurt you in any sorts, forgive them. Let them be. Pray that they will change. Allah know best. Trust him. Then jauhkan diri from them. Mingle among positive people.

Everything starts with yourself. Bila pergi talk-talk agama, the speakers will tell the exact same things. Change yourself to the better. Forget about others. You first, and other will follow.

I love people. Meeting new people (though sometimes my introvert-side won’t allows me) is beautiful. To give motivation, to be there whenever they need you, to give hope that they can be a better version of themselves. Are somewhat interesting and noble thing to do. That’s why I am truly in love with my Herbalife life.

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